
Family Medicine & Primary Care
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?Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care

Teaching sites - Swellendam Hospital

Type: District hospital 527338.jpg

Population served: 32,000


Number of beds: 51
Number of outpatients per month: 361
Number of admissions per month: 290
Number of deliveries per month: 36
Number of Caesarian sections per month: 5

Contact detail:

Name                             Phone                 Fax                     Email 
Med Sup  Dr du Toit      0285141140         028-5142504  
Matron  Mrs Hoving       028-5141140       028-5142504 
Admin  Mr Abrahamse  028-5141140        028-5142504 

Medical and Allied Health personnel: 

                                             Full-time      Part-time 
Medical Superintendent            1 
Family Physician                       1  
PMO/Medical officer                  2                  5 
Community service doctors   
Physiotherapist                                              1 
Occupational therapist   
Speech therapist   
Radiographer                             1  


  • 24-hour casualty 
  • Theatre 
  • Labour ward 
  • X-ray facility 
  • Ultrasound facility

ARV roll-out site: Operational since March 2005.

Primary Health Care services:

Permanent clinics: Railton, Suurbraak, Barrydale, Buffeljags
Mobile clinics: 2 mobile teams
Home-based care program: Started 2005

Site Coordinator for undergraduate program: Dr Helana Lubbe

Contact detail:

Phone: 028-5141140
Fax: 028-5142504
Cellphone: 0727632747

Directions to hospital:Drive along the N2 till the 2nd turnoff to Swellendam. Do not turn off at Swellendam west. Follow the hospital road sign. The hospital is situated on the hill.

Student accommodation:

Mountain View Cottage situated opposite hospital. Students have to book in before 20H00.
Telephone: 028-5143799
Kitchen facilities: Yes
Bedding: Bring own
Meals: Self-catering
Computer Facilities: Computer with Internet access and printer available at hospital.

Description of student program: Students must report to the hospital at 14H00 on the Monday afternoon of the rotation.

Students are exposed to:

  • Hospital: ward rounds and theatre 
  • Primary patient care at clinics 
  • Mobile services 
  • Private practices 
  • Old age homes 
  • Prison health services